Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Looking up

Every little thing that isn't bad makes me feel good. So, I was encouraged tonight when I spoke to C and heard a clear-minded person on the other end of the line. I suspect that is not who was manning the cell phone when we had a text conversation last week, as I really couldn't make out one thing he typed.

He told me tonight that he's been clean for six days. 

I believe him.

I hope that he multiplies that by a hundred . . . A thousand . . . Ten thousand . . .

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Detach with Love

New Zealand Maori carving (altered)

I get a lighthearted quote from StoryPeople in my e-mail every morning. They are often pertinent to the things I'm dealing with, and other times they just crack me up, like this one:

"has detached with love so many times that her hair has started to fall out in clumps"

Actually, I guess that does pretty much pertain to my life right now.

Checking my hair in the mirror.